Noun Cats

Noun Cats is two, 5,000 piece collections: The Invisibles and The Cats. The collections are identical but Invisibles are missing their body. The original intention, when launched in February 2022 was for you to have a "Nounterpart" in the other collection. We hoped to create a "serendipity machine" so you could potentially meet a new friend, collaborator, or just have a cool conversation. As the market quickly turned after launch, plans were changed so that you could mint your Nounterpart by paying a small fee or burning your Invisible to reveal its Cat. We also built a shopping experience on to allow you to shop for your Cat rather than do a random mint, to minimize market risk in a bear market.

Invisibles Contract on ContractReader

Cats Contract on ContractReader

OpenSea – Invisibles

OpenSea – Cats

The Work





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